The BFRES importer from last tutorial already extracts the DDS from the model, however if you want to do this outside of the importer you need a tool to extract BFRES embedded files and another tool to extract texture files from the resultant BNTX file. I use Noesis to convert the DDS files to TGA or PNG, and use VTFEdit to convert those to VTF. I hope to provide as much information on the texture parameters for SFM/GMod as I can along with information on the textures themselves.
Using them correctly is another task, though.
The previous part isĮxtracting textures is easy. Texture details are explained in part 2, over here: SFM/GMod Porting Tutorial Part 2 (Textures)This honestly took too long to come out. Do you want to learn how to port models but don't know how? Either because 3D modelling is daunting, you don't know how GMod or SFM works, or you don't know where to get the models in the first place? I hope this tutorial will help guide you through the process.